/* C program to generate and print Fibonacci series */

Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE )  

/* C Program to Swap Two Numbers using Temp/Third Variable */

Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE )  

/* C program to add n integers using array */

Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE )  

/* c program to add n integers without using array */

Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE )  

C Program To Find the Size of Data Types using sizeof operator

Program can also be written using sizeof operator with variables as given below.

  Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) Note: In borland C or Turbo C compilers size of int is… Continue Reading C Program example for sizeof operator

* C program for showing format specifiers in c *

Output:( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) This is a integer Number1: 123 This is a integer Number2: 000025 This is a integer Number3: 123 This is a Float value: 3.140000 This is a Hexa Decimal… Continue Reading C program for showing printf Format Spcifiers in c

C program to find the Largest of Three Numbers using Conditional Operator. PROGRAM:

  Sample Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) Enter Three Numbers: 5 7 6 The Largest Number is: 7

C Program to understand the usage of Bitwise Operator & . (Or) Example c program for Bitwise operator & . PROGRAM:

  Sample Output: (using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE) 1) Enter a Integer Number to find Even or Odd: 5 The Entered Number is Odd 2)… Continue Reading C Program to find Number Even or Odd using Bitwise AND ( & ) Operator

C Program to find whether the given number is even or odd. PROGRAM :

Sample Output:(using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE) Enter a number to find Even or Odd: 5 The number 5 is Odd

C Program to understand the Arithmetic Operators And their Precedence. PROGRAM:

  Output: (using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE) Addition Result: 30 Subtraction Result is: 20 Multiplication Result is : 125 Division Result is: 5 Division Result Remainder is: 0 The Result of (a+b*c/d): 37 The Result of… Continue Reading C Program to Show the Operations of Arithmetic Operators

C Program for understanding the concept of Pre-decrement and Post-decrement  

Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) After post-decrement: j value: 10 , i value: 9 After pre-decrement: j value: 8, i value: 8

C Program for understanding the concept of pre-increment and post-increment PROGRAM:

Output:( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) After post-increment: j value: 10 , i value:11 After pre-increment: j value: 12, i value:12

C Program for explaining the division operation, for getting quotient and remainder. PROGRAM:

Sample Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) Enter the dividend: 26 Enter the divisor: 5 The Quotient is: 5 The Remainder is: 1

C Program to calculate the product of two numbers : PROGRAM:

Sample Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) Enter the first number  : 5 Enter the second number: 5 The product of two numbers is: 25

C Program to add two numbers / Integers using Pointers : PROGRAM:

Sample Output:( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE ) Enter two integers to add: 15 10 Sum of the entered numbers is: 25

Simple C Program for adding two numbers : PROGRAM:

Sample Output:( using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE )    Enter the first number to be added: 10    Enter the second number to be added: 15    The sum of two numbers is: 25 Explanation for the… Continue Reading C Program for adding two Numbers / Integers