I have developed a simple Bulk Email sending software a long ago. I just wanted to share this software so that anyone may find it useful.
It supports both Text mails and Html mails. So you can also send attractive html emails using this software.

You can use this tool to send emails to all your contacts within few clicks. It may be a invitation to your friends and relatives  or a welcome mail or greetings to your clients etc,. It uses smtp to send mails.
Please do not misuse this software to send spam content. You cannot send unlimited mails using this software.
Below are the screenshots of the software.
ScreenShot 1:
ScreenShot 2:
 Bulk Email Software Free Download
How it works :
-> select your Email Service provider, if not found in dropdown, then select other
-> Enter your email credentials.
-> Click on Test Connection, if test connection successful, it means all the credentials are correct and      you can proceed to send emails.
-> Select MS Excel file in which your contacts emails addresses are saved. The emails should be
saved in A column  of excel sheet as shown in figure below.
Bulk Email Software Excel
-> Enter Email Subject.
-> If you want to send text email, you can enter/paste your text in the available textbox (screenshot1).
-> Or else you can paste your HTML code in the textbox and check Html-Mail checkbox to send
     Html mails (screenshot1).
-> If you have HTML saved in some .hmtl / .htm file , you can browse for the file as shown in
-> If you want to have some media in your html email  to make it more attractive, in image tags you
     should put the links of images available on internet.
-> Click on Send Emails

Download BulkEmail Sending Software